Our Concierge Program

With licenses across 23 states, our reach ensures you get the
best insurance options no matter where you live.

Our Concierge Program

This Is How It Works

Our Concierge Program is a valuable resource for our customers and community. It is a field guide to local businesses that we believe deliver high-quality service. We actively recommend our customers to the listed Concierge Members. We provide Members with the following highlighted items, free of charge:


We will feature each member’s business on all of our social media pages and spotlight them with the links to their business page, so our customers get to hear about each of them.


We create a dedicated page for each member’s business and point our customers to those pages when they need a variety of services.


We love it when our agency is recommended to others, and our Concierge partners can now profit from sending customers, friends, and family our way. With this Program, they can choose to help others or to help themselves, too.

Would you like a complimentary quote?

At Klinger Insurance, we represent some of the best insurance companies in the country. This gives you as the client, choice. Choice of coverage, choice of company, and the most competitive rate for your unique situation.

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