Disaster Preparedness Center

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Disaster Preparedness Center

Welcome to the Disaster Preparedness Center, an information service about what to do before, during, and after any type of natural disaster our area is liable to experience. Natural disasters can happen anytime, and you and your family need to be prepared when they happen. 

Here’s what you need to include in your disaster kit: 

  • Identification: this includes important documents (driver’s license, passport, and other useful identification). 
  • Insurance cards and policies: this includes home inventory and contact numbers of your insurance agent or insurance company. 
  • Emergency Water and Non-perishable meals: (recommended 1 gallon per person per day, keep three days’ worth) this also includes snacks (granola bars, apple sauce, or fruit leather).
  • Essential Medications:  this includes maintenance drugs, over-the-counter drugs, and medical devices that would be enough to cover you for 7 to 10 days. 
  • Cellphone, power bank, or solar power cell phone charger 
  • Flashlight or glow sticks and portable radio: include extra batteries as well. 
  • Blankets and warmers
  • Clothing and sturdy shoes that can protect your feet with sharps 
  • Dusk mask for you and your family. 
  • Thick Plastic Sheeting (to cover vents in case of airborne disaster or to repair a window in case of breakage). 
  • Emergency cash or traveler’s checks 
  • First aid kits for home 
  • Matches placed in a waterproof container 
  • Rain gear 
  • Whistle
  • Extra pair of glasses if you wear prescription lenses 
  • Duct tape and scissors come in handy 
  • Antibacterial soap, toilet paper, hand sanitizer, and trash bags 

If you have a little one then prepare your baby’s emergency kit. If you have pets, include important pet supplies that can last for 7 to 10 days. 

If you are with a person with disabilities or caring for someone with dementia or Alzheimer’s then consider having another disaster kit for your loved one’s needs. Here’s what you need to include: 

  • Current photo of you with your loved one if you get separated. 
  • Medicare, Medicaid, and other insurance cards.
  • Identification information: a Social Security card, driver’s license, etc. 
  • Necessary medical equipment: walker, wheelchair, power cords and/or extra batteries (if applicable), male or female urinal (for travel needs), and incontinence products. 
  • Important documents including checks and check-writing authority, Power of Attorney, and Medical Directives
  • List of medications and doses, medical supplies for seven to 10 days, and the medical history of your loved one, along with the names and numbers of pharmacies and doctors. 
  • Eyeglasses, hearing aids, and batteries, if applicable. 
  • Home insurance policies (a copy will suffice), home inventory, and contact numbers of your loved one’s insurance agent or company. 
  • Financial information: bank accounts, credit card information (copies will suffice). 

Taking the time to prepare for your emergency kit is vital. It can help you during disasters and can reduce anxiety. It will also give you and your family a sense of control because you know that you are prepared to handle whatever comes your way. 

Take time to review your insurance coverages at least once a year and keep your insurance agent up to date with your home. 

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