20 Nutrition Tips to Reach your Healthy Lifestyle

It is true that health is wealth, especially during this time of the pandemic. Having good health can strengthen our immune system, can reduce stress levels, can promote a healthy lifestyle, and protect against a variety of diseases.  

Here are 20 Nutrition Tips to Reach your Healthy Lifestyle 
Eat more plant foods 

  1. Eat a variety of vegetables and fruits. Go for color and variety- green, red, yellow, and orange. They are a good source of dietary fiber. It can also help you to lower blood pressure, cholesterol and maintain a healthy weight. 
  2. Make sure to include freshly produced vegetables and fruits in every meal. Include fruits: apples, bananas, blueberries, watermelon, oranges, and avocados. Vegetables: spinach, broccoli, potato, celery, cucumbers, and onion. 
  3. Eat nuts and seeds. They are packed with fiber, minerals, protein, and vitamins. Nuts: almonds, cashew nuts, walnuts, and macadamias. Seeds: Chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, and flax seeds. 
  4. Plan out your meal. Aside from helping you to avoid unnecessary purchases at the grocery store, but it also guides you to have a healthy and balanced meal throughout the week. Aim for well-rounded balanced meals includes a protein source, high-quality starch, fruits and vegetables, and some healthy fats. 

Keep Hydrated and Drink the proper amount of water 

5. Having an adequate fluid intake starts fueling your body and gets your metabolism. According to the U.S National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine the right amount of fluid a day for men is about 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) and for women is about 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of fluids a day.  

6. Stick to water and sugar-free beverages as much as possible.  

7. Flavored your water by adding a few fruit slices like lemon, tea leaves, cucumber, or strawberries instead of juice, sodas, and sweetened beverages. 

8. Eating juicy fruits and vegetables can also help to add to your fluids. Fruits: Orange, watermelon, grapefruit, blueberries, strawberries, cranberries, raspberries, and pineapple. Vegetables: cucumber, celery. lettuce, broccoli, tomatoes, cabbage, and zucchini 

Cook more often 

9. Cook your meal often and prepare new recipes. 

10. Choose more fresh food and avoid processed foods. 

11. Plan your menus and make a grocery list for healthy foods and stick to it as much as possible. 

12. Cook and use a simple formula for every meal with a combination of vegetables, fruits, a good source of protein, and a source of starch. 

13. Cut the high sodium foods such as sausage, bacon, ramen, ham, and processed deli. 

Eat out less and avoid fast-food chain food items  

14. Eating out if it’s once or twice a month that’s a cheat day but if it’s more often that’s a habit. 

15. Avoid fast–food chain food items: burgers, pizza, French fries, and fizzy drinks. Most of the fast-food food items are high in sugar processed ingredients, salt, saturated salts, trans fats, low in antioxidants, and low in fiber. 

16. Plan a few meals out and be mindful of restaurant choices. 

Snack Smart 

17. Reduce sweet and salty treats.  

18. Eat regular meals including a variety of foods so you feel satisfied and less likely to snack. 

19. Make your own snacks like Greek yogurt and add mixed berries. Greek yogurt is a great source of calcium, potassium, and high protein. Mixed berries are one of the best sources of antioxidants. 

20. Stock a healthy snack: fresh fruits, granola bars, kale chips, and dark chocolate and almonds. 

Living a healthier lifestyle doesn’t have to be hard, you just have to understand what it means to be healthy and make a smart choice.  For all of your health insurance needs call Klinger Insurance Group today at 301-428-4935 or email us at info@klingerinsurancegroup.com or visit us at www.klingerinsurancegroup.com/ 

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